
Should digestive enzymes be used for children with anorexia after diarrhea?

The most common condition with diarrhea is dehydration and loss of electrolytes, causing fatigue and decreased appetite. Since 70% of the body weight is water, if the body is not hydrated enough, the metabolic and circulatory functions will be affected. When blood to the stomach decreases, the absorption and secretion of digestive enzymes also decrease, causing anorexia.

Traveler's diarrhea and things you have to know

When traveling, due to many changes in circumstances and living conditions, the body is subjected to many external influences, making the risk of diseases higher, including diarrhea. This condition is common in people who are traveling or have just returned from a long trip. Traveler's diarrhea is not usually serious, but it can make you feel extremely uncomfortable because you suffer from abdominal pain and constant loose stools.

What medicine should the baby take for diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a very common gastrointestinal illness and usually clears up on its own in about 5 to 7 days. However, for young children, the disease can become serious if not rehydrated and treated promptly. When there are symptoms of the disease, the family should immediately take the child to the nearest medical facility to be monitored by the doctor and prescribed diarrhea medicine with an appropriate dose.

How should parents take care of children with diarrhea in the summer?

Summer is the time when children often have diarrhea due to poisoning. When a child has diarrhea, if parents do not know how to handle it properly, it can make the disease worse and cause diarrhea, lasting, greatly affecting the child's development later. Diarrhea is a very common disease in children under 5 years old, with an average rate of 1 child suffering from 0.8-2.2 episodes of diarrhea per year. The disease is transmitted through the fecal-oral route (diarrhea is the source of infection). Diarrhea in children is mainly caused by viruses and bacteria.

Children have diarrhea due to antibiotics - How to treat them?

Antibiotics are drugs commonly used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. However, in addition to its therapeutic effects, the drug can cause some side effects. Diarrhea is one of the common side effects in children, most commonly in children under 2 years old, because they have an underdeveloped immune system and digestive system.

Acute diarrhea caused by Rotavirus, what should parents know?

Acute diarrhea caused by Rotavirus usually has an acute onset, manifesting in children with continuous vomiting and frequent watery diarrhea (usually more than 10 times), up to several dozen times a day, causing severe dehydration, which is a risk of hypovolemic shock, possibly fatal. Rotavirus is one of the major causes of severe and life-threatening diarrhea in children under 2 years of age. The disease usually occurs seasonally, focusing on winter. Rotavirus has 4 pathogenic serotypes. When infected with one type, the body only responds to diarrhea with that one type and the child may still have other types. 1/3 of children under 2 years old have at least 1 episode of rotavirus diarrhea, which also accounts for 50% - 65% of acute diarrhea in hospitalized children.

Diarrhea and prevention measures

Diarrhea is a condition in which watery stools are passed three or more times per day, with accompanying symptoms of vomiting, dehydration, and electrolyte disturbances. If not treated promptly, it can lead to death. There are many causes of diarrhea, including viruses and bacteria, the most dangerous is diarrhea caused by cholera. The disease is transmitted by the gastrointestinal tract through contaminated food and drinking water. The disease is closely related to environmental conditions, water, food safety and people's hygiene habits.