Take care of your digestive system

Unexpected benefits from probiotic

People who use probiotics (or yogurt containing probiotics) often have lower blood pressure, according to a new study published in the journal Hypertension.

Health digestion - key to help your body away disease

A good digestive system plays a core role in overall health. Not only is the body's primary organ for nutrient reception and absorption, gut health can affect the immune system, endocrine system, skin condition, mental health, and cancer… Therefore, a malfunction in one part of the digestive system will adversely affect other parts of the digestive tract and the whole body.

Habits for healthy digestion system

The digestive system is one of the most important parts of the body. It helps provide nutrition to the body from birth to adulthood. Science has proven that 95% of bacteria, viruses and pathogens enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract. The intestinal tract is specially configured to suit the function of nutrient absorption and natural immunity, including: villi and microvilli, creating a contact area of up to 40 - 50m2.