Digestive disorders

Probiotics: What you need to know

Defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "living microorganisms that, when administered in sufficient quantities confer a health benefit on the host". They are dubbed the "good bacteria" becauseby because it helps protect the body against a number of harmful bacteria, fungi and viruses. When probiotics are taken (eaten or taken) on a regular basis in adequate quantities, they produce beneficial effects on human health, especially the digestive system. They are present in yogurt (yogurt), milk, cheese, pickles, kimchi, soy sauce, eggplant, fish sauce...

How to reduce digestive disorders after drinkking alcohol

Food and drink included in each drinking session may not be hygienic, too high in protein and greasy. People who drink a lot of alcohol may experience some symptoms of abdominal pain, indigestion; vomiting or nausea; loose diarrhea...