How to reduce digestive disorders after drinkking alcohol

Alcohol abuse makes the digestive system weak and dysfunctional. Dr. Vu Truong Khanh, Head of Gastroenterology, Hanoi Tam Anh General Hospital, said that when the body receives too much alcohol, the central nervous system becomes sensitive and changes the activity of the system. sympathetic nervous system, governs intestinal motility, disrupts the absorption of water, nutrients, electrolytes... Alcohol kills a large amount of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, causing the intestinal microflora to lose weight. equal, not secrete enough enzymes to digest food.

Food and drink included in each drinking session may not be hygienic, too high in protein and greasy. People who drink a lot of alcohol may experience some symptoms of abdominal pain, indigestion; vomiting or nausea; loose diarrhea... To minimize the symptoms of digestive disorders after drinking alcohol, Dr. Khanh suggests some ways below:

Some types of water such as filtered water, diluted porridge, ginger juice, broth, sugarcane juice, fresh coconut, oresol mixed as directed... both help replenish water and electrolytes, and reduce symptoms of nausea. due to loss of electrolytes and alkaline - acidosis, to prevent hypoglycemia when drunk. Carbonated drinks such as soda, caffeine, and sugar should not be used because they can cause more dehydration, prolonging uncomfortable hangover symptoms.

Split meals

Patients should not eat too much, too full, especially foods rich in nutrients to facilitate the digestive system to recover. Small meals in moderation, spaced about 2 hours apart, can reduce the incidence of abdominal cramps caused by intestinal spasms and diarrhea. Patients should pay attention to eat slowly, chew thoroughly to limit swallowing gas, avoid sudden stretching of the digestive tract, and reduce bloating.

Add more vegetables, fruits and fiber

Fiber helps the intestines to avoid spasms, reduce abdominal pain caused by digestive disorders; at the same time, it helps to promote the detoxification of alcohol from the body. Adding more fiber from vegetables and fruits can slow down bowel movements, help reduce water loss and diarrhea, and stimulate the activity of beneficial bacteria.

Each person needs about 20-30 grams of fiber per day. Some vegetables and fruits that the patient can refer to such as potassium-rich fruits (banana, papaya...), cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, legumes...


Use more yogurt to supplement beneficial bacteria

Drinking too much alcohol harms beneficial bacteria, creating conditions for harmful bacteria to break out, multiply, and cause diarrhea due to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

Yogurt is rich in probiotics, mainly lactic acid-producing bacteria and bifidobacteria. These are beneficial bacteria strains that help balance the intestinal microflora, prevent or support the treatment of digestive disorders, including diarrhea.
