What are probiotics and their role in the digestive system?

Probiotics - Protectors of Your

Digestive System Did you know that in our body there are billions of live bacteria? Don't worry, that's not a bad thing. In fact, these bacteria are extremely important companions for our health, especially for the digestive system. They're called probiotics, and today we're going to learn about their role in our bodies.

Digestive system

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are tiny living agents like bacteria and fungi that have health benefits. They exist naturally in our bodies, mainly in the intestinal tract, and can be replenished through food and products containing microorganisms.

The important role of probiotics

Probiotics have many positive effects on our health, including: - Bacterial balance:

Probiotics help balance the microbiome in the intestinal tract, which is important because it prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of infection and disease. Probiotics also protect the intestinal mucosa, help prevent inflammatory colitis, irritable bowel syndrome,...

- Aids digestion: Probiotics participate in the breakdown of food, help the body absorb nutrients better and reduce digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation. Probiotics also help produce certain vitamins such as vitamins K, B12, B6, B5, B3, B2, B1, biotin and folic acid.

Immune system: Studies show that probiotics can boost the immune system, help the body fight pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and reduce inflammation. Probiotics can also affect the nervous and endocrine systems, helping to improve mood, reduce stress and prevent depression.

And did you know, 62% of the world's population suffers from digestive diseases!!! That is an alarming number about the current state of gut health.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

How to take probiotic

There are many ways to replenish probiotics for the body, but the two most common are: - Fermented foods:

These are foods that are prepared by fermenting bacteria in an air environment or with little oxygen. Fermented foods are not only rich inprobiotics but also contain enzymes and vitamins that help digestion and promote overall health.

Bottom Line:

Probiotics are companions in our digestive system. Not only do they help us digest food, but they also protect us from pathogens. Don't forget, your health starts from the inside – where probiotics are unsung heroes!