Lifestyle and diet are not reasonable

Busy daily life makes many people make friends with fast foods, processed foods, high in sugar, high in fat, low in fiber along with the habit of eating in a hurry, erratic, drinking a lot of alcohol. and contact with dirty food… creating conditions for harmful bacteria to have the opportunity to proliferate.

Diet, nutrition and daily activities directly affect the functioning of the digestive system. Doctor Vu Truong Khanh - Tam Anh General Hospital said that digestive disorders are not a single disease but are the result of many other diseases. Digestive disorders also have cases that are not caused by diseases but by unhealthy lifestyles and diets...

Currently, the market is flooded with dirty foods, from fresh food to dry food, frozen food. If consumers are not aware, and use foods of unknown origin, it is very easy to lead to gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, intestinal infections, and finally cause digestive upset. Studies have demonstrated a very close relationship between diet and the diversity and balance of the microbial community in the human body. Bacteria and other microorganisms in the gut help the body digest food. These bacteria can also play an important role in helping the body fight harmful bacteria, yeast, and other bacteria.

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lam, former Deputy Director of the National Institute of Nutrition, said that there are many reasons why people have an imbalance of intestinal microflora, starting from eating habits such as eating a lot of food. Fast, high fat, drinking habits, indiscriminate use of antibiotics will destroy beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract.

An unbalanced diet, lacking in fiber, helps harmful bacteria grow, affecting the intestinal microflora. Besides, eating unsafe food also increases the risk of introducing more harmful bacteria into the body. When eating too much fat, protein or starch, while eating less vegetables, the food that is not fully digested will linger in the digestive tract for a long time. Eating hot spicy food, drinking a lot of alcohol, coffee, using stimulants or eating too fast, not chewing well, going to bed after eating... will cause intestinal bacteria to be overloaded, not can handle all food, causing flatulence, abdominal distension, indigestion ... Eating at the wrong meal, eating food for a long time will lead to bloating, abdominal distension, uncomfortable gurgling. In addition, in some people who have a habit of eating too quickly, eating while working, watching TV, eating too many spices can also cause digestive disorders.

In addition, bad habits in daily life also greatly affect the balance of intestinal microorganisms. Fasting to the toilet, eating late at night, work pressure, and irregular activities are the causes that affect digestion. Medical experts all say that the modern rhythm of life is becoming one of the factors that make it easy for many people to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases. Digestive trouble not only severely affects health, but also reduces the quality of work and life, but also makes the body's general health vulnerable to serious effects.

If you stay up late, or suffer from insomnia, irregular sleep patterns, or poor quality sleep, your risk of infection increases. Therefore, make sure to get enough sleep, sleep on time and in moderation to have a quality sleep.

For young children, nutrition and parenting are also decisive factors for the diversity of the microbiota in the child's gut. In breastfed infants, Bifidobacteria account for 75-90% of the total number of intestinal microorganisms, Lactobacilli and Bacteroides multiply in small numbers and Enterobacteria decrease sharply. In infants fed formula milk, the intestinal microflora is mainly composed of microorganisms such as Bacteroides, Bifidobacteria, Coliforms. As children grow older, the intestinal microbiota is similar to that of adults: Bacteroides, Veillonella, and Fusobacterium.

To improve the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to have a balanced diet with 4 food groups such as: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Specifically, adults should eat at least 400g of green vegetables / person / day. In addition, it is possible to add fermented products from green vegetables such as kimchi, eggplant, and pickles with many beneficial bacteria, fermented dairy products such as yogurt, or probiotics to help strengthen the microflora. intestinal tract.